


When creating a new account on Company - Sign Up, please enter the Position Name for which candidates are being selected. This will be the account you use for logging in.

It is possible to use the same email for different accounts/positions - which is useful if a person searching for candidates works for one company that is looking to fill multiple positions. The important thing is to change the position name and the password.

After a successful login/sign-up, you will be redirected to the 'Edit Profile' page, which consists of four boxes. Three of them — 'General Overview,' 'Candidate Experience,' and 'Extras' — are meant to be filled out by imagining your perfect candidate. Fields for selection include everything important to the screening process, from education fields to hobbies and extra activities your ideal candidate should have.

The fourth box — 'About The Position' — should be filled considering what the company offers to the candidates.

After you are done, click on the 'Save' button and you will be redirected to the Candidates List page. This page consists of candidates that match the selected Company criteria.

Candidates are ranked by criteria 'weights', meaning some filters hold more importance than others. For example, criteria for matching with candidates in the City and Country where the candidate should be located will appear higher on the list than candidates who fit the selected candidate Soft Skills.

Contact your preferred candidates from the list using the email address provided in the Candidate Profile. The remainder of the selection process occurs outside of the scope of the app.

Konekted aims to simplify and speed up the screening process for both candidates and companies by matching them based on their preferred filters.


Create a new account by choosing Sign Up - Candidate.

Please enter your real name and professional email address, as these are the credentials companies will see on your profile and use to contact you.

After a successful login/sign-up, you will be redirected to the 'Edit Profile' page, which consists of four boxes. Three of them — 'General Overview,' 'Experience,' and 'Extras' — should be filled out with your specific experiences and values. These values will appear on your Candidate Profile.

The fourth box — 'Job Expectations' — should be filled out considering your preferences for the company and position. They include selecting preferred work shifts, type of engagement, etc.

When you are finished, click on the 'Save' button and you will be redirected to your candidate Profile page. This is the page companies will see, if company and candidate criteria match.

It is meant to work as a more detailed and inclusive version of a regular CV. Individual candidate profiles are only visible to the candidate who made it, and to the company that is a match. Candidates cannot view each other’s profiles, nor can companies that do not match with a specific candidate view their profile.

That's it! The candidates' part of the work is done. All you have to do now is wait for the companies that match your experience and preferences to contact you via the email you provided on Sign Up.

This way candidates do not waste time sending CVs and filling out countless forms with information that is already in their CV. Companies have requirements for the screening process that are often overlooked in job descriptions posted on job boards, so this way candidates who meet specific criteria will be contacted.

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